Customer Feedback
Andrea had her very first Medium Session on Thursday April 18. 2024 and felt so inspired to leave me a voice message sharing her personal feelings from her experience. Thanks for sharing Andrea.
Kimberly Workman sent me a wonderful package of keepsakes of her boyfriend Ryan after her session with me on December 13, 2019. Thank you kimberly for your letter letting me know how your life has been changed by your telephone session.
Wednesday January 22, 2020
I had heard only amazing things about Christopher from some coworkers. I bought his book Pennies from Heaven, and within 5 weeks of my brothers sudden passing, I called the office to put my name on his waiting list. At that time, my parents were very skeptic but I went ahead and left my contact information.
The day I got the call, I was astatic!! By this time we had gone through 2 major holidays without him and my parents were becoming more open to the idea. We went there with no expectations, just the hope that he would come through to talk to us.
Let me tell you, our experience was INCREDIBLE! Chris did not know anything about myself or my parents and he made a connection from the ‘get go’ Our reading was bang on and it was very clear to us that thIs was in-fact, “our” Kevin who came through and was communicating through Chris. We all feel a lot more grounded since We lost my brother and both my parents and myself feel a deep sense of peace and comfort. We know that he is safe. And although he is not with us in the physical world, he is always around us.
I was able to understand many details I couldn’t before meeting with Christopher. He is truly and Earth Angel with a very special gift and talent. My family and I will always be grateful to you for the validation and proof that we needed to be able to move forward.
God bless you 🙏
Kimberly Rose 🌹
September 11, 2019
Dear Chris
I wanted to write and thank you so much for this session. I know my husband’s age difference made it more difficult, but when I re-listened to the session, I found that my husband Allen came through with reassurance on every secret thing I had been agonizing over since he died. I still feel great grief at losing him, but I feel so much more peaceful. It was entirely like him to start with describing his beloved son who is dying. It was also so very much like him to think you wouldn’t listen to his kind of music!
Denise and I very much appreciated your gentle, kind, and humble way of bringing our loved ones to us.
Thank you Chris and God bless you in your work.
Margaret (and Denise)
July 31, 2019
Hi Chris,
My testimony for the amazing reading I had with you:
I just heard the recording today and I realised how quiet I was in the session and was not answering many of your questions. I was so emotional throughout the session and for a moment I felt like I was talking directly to him. I am so sorry for being so quiet . There were things which I couldn't relate but I am sure I will in coming future.
I was never aware of medium and I was not sure of life after death. After his (my love) passing I was searching for evidence that their is life after death and that I will see him again. His passing has made me spiritual.
After reading many books and watching end of number of videos on life after death I came across your channel. You sounded so genuine and blunt. I love the way you work. I waited for your appointment for 6 month and it was worth the waiting.
Before having a session with you I had three sessions with three different mediums but never got the validation. Somehow I never got connected with those mediums.
Chris you are an amazing person and a very genuine and honest medium. You described him so well. You gave validation which was spot on. You said many statements just the way he use to say it to me. I am still shocked that you got all the details about his passing, his personality, my life , his mom so perfectly. You spoke about events which happened after his passing which was mind-blowing and this proves that we survive physical death. Soul never dies. No medium talked about events after his passing. You are awesome and it was a awesome reading.
I know he sees everything and very much connected to me. You gave me peace that I was searching for after his passing. I am so happy to know that he has healed and in better place. Thank you for giving me the peace and happiness again. Thank you for the awesome, emotional and mind blowing reading. I am so glad that I met you. I can't thank you enough.
I know now that when it's my time for transition I will see all my loved ones again. I will be united with him and my baby. I will then kick his ass for bailing out so soon.
God bless you and may your life always be filled with love and happiness.
Love and light
January 9, 2019
Today we had the pleasure of meeting Chris Stillar, and communicating with our Riley thru him. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced. I felt like he was in the room with us. He told us things no one else would know. I know Riley is with me every day, but Chris opened up my eyes and heart, and helped me and my family validate a few things/feelings, and I feel like it will help us going forward. I will live for you , Riley.
Thank you so much Chris , for everything you've done for my family.
December 2018
Hi Chris:
I wish to thank you so much for the wonderful reading that you gave my daughter and I this past week. There was no mistaking that my husband and my mother came through for us. Their personalities could not be mistaken. The only thing that didn’t resonate with me was my husband mentioning that he comes through as a bird. I always thought that a bird indicated my mother was with me. On Thursday this week I was in my kitchen looking out my window and a beautiful male cardinal landed on the deck railing and looked right at me. I said — “is that you Larry”? Immediately my musical teapot started to play! Such a wonderful moment to cherish. Thank you so much!!! You are just as good as the Hollywood Medium😉
We will be back.
October 8, 2018
Dear Chris & Kim:
I want to follow up after my reading on October 1. In short: absolutely amazing.
Chris immediately stated that he felt "joy and laughter" when he wrote my name. While I was a bit surprised, I realized later that I truly am a joyous person these days and laugh all the time (I was just in serious mode for the reading, I guess). Long story short: I've always been bubbly, but in this phase of my life I truly am joyous.
To my surprise, my late fiance and long-time partner Jim came through. After his passing seven years ago, which was surrounded with bitterness because of my struggles with substance abuse (I was entirely prevented from being with him at the end), I felt cut off emotionally and spiritually from him. Still I spoke out loud to him, hoping he heard. Apparently he did.
Everything Chris said was specific and detailed and pertinent to my life with Jim. He mentioned our dog "being poisoned" -- our crazy wonderful husky somehow managed to open a cupboard, find D-Con and eat it, causing his death. "The dog is there with him" message from Chris was of course a great comfort. He mentioned a lake that meant a lot to us (so true!), a trailer (we were avid campers and owned both two pop-up campers, an RV, as well as a trailer for moving stuff for home/business), and "broken promises" (Jim had proposed to me early on in our relationship but then resisted getting married). These were just some of the things that convinced me it was really Jim. True to form, Jim waited until the very end to sign off with "love you," so typical of him.
My late mother also came through near the end of the reading, again with specific details related to her passing. Since she only passed eight months ago, I expected/hoped to hear from her. It was nice she dropped in!
My decision to contact Chris was only after almost 20 years and researching dozens of mediums. After a rather negative experience with a world-famous medium (and a thousand bucks in payment), I was reluctant to trust just anyone. I'd researched Chris extensively and watched numerous videos of his readings. In short: he's the real deal.
I'm writing this to be used as you wish for a testimonial and/or just as a way of saying, "Thank you." I've always believed in the life beyond this one and that our friends and family await us. Hearing from the love of my life just sealed it and brought me joy and comfort at a time of difficult transitions (moving, new job).
My loved ones and I thank you.
Jo Chapman
Thursday June 21, 2018
Hi Chris not sure this is allowed but I want to say thank you for the reading. You quickly put me at ease and the details of the reading were amazing. I have been listening back over the recording and the reference to the fire was spot on. What I didn't remember is my sister and I set the stove on fire trying to make apple brandy chicken and there was laughter because it was an OMG we didn't just do that kinda thing.
You brought my mom through in a way that I related to on so many levels. My mama was an alcoholic who died of cirrhosis of the liver. Through her addiction she chose booze over her kids time and again. She is forgiven and my brother hasn't come to terms with it and needs her love. Needs to heal.
The validation of James coming through meant the world to me. It was so him with the smoking issue. It frustrated me because he was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. Once he was out of the hospital he started smoking again. Drove me nuts. God, I love you reached my heart...His needing me to get rid of the poker face is doable now. You brought his feelings through enough that the guilt I've carried; the could have, would have, should haves..I'm free from those things now and all that is left is love that transcends death and that is comforting beyond anything else.
Thank you so much.
Stacey White, New York State
P.S. - Thank you again. I awoke this morning not searching for the ability to feel James here with me but with the peace of knowing that he is.
From: jacqui hammond
Sent: Friday, 26 January 2018 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: Phone appointment Chris Stillar Medium
Hi Chris
You gave me a reading on weds. It has taken me a little bit to process what was said throughout the reading. Firstly I have been to many other readers in my time especially over the last year and have never been quite as touched as I was from the reading you gave. The accuracy was profound.
My mothers death in April has been such that the level of grief was very consuming. There were things that you said throughout the reading that were truly profound such as a male presence that my mother waited for before she died. As I said to you afterwards my brother who hadn't seen my mother in 2 years came to be by her bedside. My mother would often cry to me that all she wanted was for my brother to visit and tell me how much she missed him.
You talked about my mother saying no no no and then you get a dog. No one would have known that I was indeed getting a puppy the following week and the puppy had already been ordered and was due to take a flight to me.
Another thing that was said which I never mentioned is that you said that my mother just kept saying in relation to my son "oh hes such a good boy" when my mother was alive this was her favorite way of describing my son and she would repeat this over and over.
Chris Im sure you get alot of fan mail, but I just want to say Thank you I have so much gratitude for what you have given me. Peace be with you and Blessings from Australia. Jacqueline Hammond
This is Judith my mum the earth angel and she loved Dogs
Jacqueline Hammond
Friday December 22, 2017
"I automatically recognised the elements Chris was referencing from the beginning of the reading, finding his explanations very clear. But the thing that surprised me the most was not the accuracy of the information he provided, but the way in which he did it. Even though I come from a different country and culture than Chris and my native language is not english, he said things my loved ones used to say, in the way they used to say it, showing their exact personality and providing me questions and information from them at the present time (thus not only referencing the past but showing they still are with me). I left the reading with the feeling of truly having connected with my loved ones and, even though I had readings before, I had never felt that strong connection. That was absolutely astonishing, overpassing all my expectations"
Again, chris I feel there is not enough money to pay what you did to me, you helped me in ways you cannot immagine, my eternal gratitude and hope for a live full of hapiness to you and your family.
Thanks, Ivan.
Thursday December 21, 2017
Anita Tisor to Medium Chris Stillar
Chris, I just had a fantastic reading with you! You don't know how much I appreciate that you share your amazing abilities with us. You were so correct and spot on with so many things that were great validations for me and so specific that I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that my son was right there. I found out about you by accident when I was looking thru YouTube videos and I watched every single "Seeking Spirit" reading-- at a tiime when I needed it the very most. Your genuine, kind personality was just what I was felf like I was chatting with a friend--thanks SO much again--Iowa Believer..
December 20, 2017
Just wanted to say thank you for my reading. It really helped me to gain peace and a calmness. So many things that I wasn't sure about, I remembered after. Also, you were able to bring my mom thru like no other, you captured her essence to the T. I felt I was really talking to her. This was just the validation I needed. Also, Chris, you have such a humble gentle vibe about you that I appreciate. So, grateful for you, I have complete trust and faith in you, unlike any other medium. Please do not change. Thank you for the skills you are sharing with the world. I am at peace because of you! Misty Angulo
Monday September 18, 2017
I just listened, this evening, to readings I've had with you every year for the past three years, and I was astonished all over again at, not only how accurate they were and how they addressed so many concerns I had at precisely the times we spoke, but at how uplifting and encouraging you are as a medium. Thank you so much for the work you do. It is enormously comforting, it has helped ground me. In fact, it has helped me in many, many ways.
All my best,
Joan Cramer
Hi Chris:
We truly appreciate the reading you delivered for us on Sept.12, 2017. We are grateful for the time you gave us and for sharing your precious gift of connection. The wonderful messages you translated for us are comforting and gave us rare chance to connect with our beloved Tyler since he left. This reassured us that LOVE is indeed eternal and that our dear Tyler really still exists and is happy and at peace and still very much around us. This also gave us hope that one day we will all be reunited with him on the other side and we will be happy together again.
We appreciate your kindness even walking out to our car to hand us water for our trip back to Peterborough. Our moment with our Tyler through you is precious and priceless. Please see the attach picture with you which we will treasure forever. You are a blessing and a relief to all grievers who seek your help. We admire your gift and respect your work.
Thank you very much Chris and God Bless.
Alex P.
May 9, 2017
For so many of us, grieving for our children, hope is beyond reach… unless you experience a miracle…We have experienced that, over and over, through the signs from our beautiful daughter in spirit, Kalina.. I want to share with you one of these amazing signs we received during a reading with the Canadian medium Chris Stillar…He delivered many evidential messages, which we longed for but were not expecting or even knew about… At the end of the reading, he suddenly said: “Your daughter is showing me a volcano, it looks like Italy, do you know why? “. We couldn’t really understand that sign, and thought that maybe she is bringing up Italy in this very peculiar way, because she had visited the country a few years ago, and spent 2 months teaching English there The medium said he hasn’t seen Italy brought up in such a strange way, but accepted our explanation. Anyway, we went home and I was checking my Facebook page and there it was, a post from one of Kalina’s very close friends, who was currently on a boat, sailing from Naples to Pompei (the city buried under a volcano thousands of years ago)… I called him up and he said he had a special seat for her on his boat and felt all the time that she was sailing with him…I told him about our reading and the very special way our daughter had made sure we reach to him to thank him for that… Once you experience the miraculous ways through which we keep our connection to the spirit world, you are filled with hope and the knowing that all our beautiful children are around us and with us, always and forever…
Warm wishes, Valya and Victor Tsaneva
February 11th, 2017, Saturday (completed today, Monday May 1st 2017)
Dear Chris,
I had the pleasure of having a ‘Channel Spirit’ medium session with you on Friday, Oct.14th, 2016. Quite honestly, I am going to start that I am a cynic and a skeptic by nature. Please forgive me. However, the purpose of this letter (email) is to inform you (and others) how accurate it was.
The reading proved exceptional to me, and there were many (if not all validations). Everything spoken was accurate, better said, nothing said was left to guesswork or uncertainty. It just took me all this time, to let those words from my loved ones--whether validation of who they are (were) or advice on valid life events, sink in, and give me the courage, to send you this email and share with you.
But first let me say, ‘You my dear, yourself, are a gift to others; To be able to calm the hearts and minds of grieving people, to help them see past their grief with the understanding that their loved ones do indeed move on, if not, by providing guiding directions from those loved ones who have crossed over, residing in a place, we can only imagine.
But let me start by saying, for the first validation during our phone appointment, you did indeed channel the only two individuals my energy was focused on from the moment I called you to setup the appointment a year ago. During that call, other topics and words spoken as validations were forthcoming throughout the reading. What surprised me more, you had no information from me, none. Unbelievably, you started to inform me that there were two individual Spirits (people) there that came through for me even before I called, which you had notes on. You said, “An older female that connects above me and the energy of a male who passed at a young age before his time. The male connects either to my side or below me”. This was all exactly correct. I will add two things: The mother figure was an aunt who had passed on 13 years earlier of exactly what you said, “smoking, neurological order, and injury to the brain, bleed in the brain, seizure and stroke feeling”. As a side note, consequently I will tell you, she fell in the bathroom after having a stroke and hit her head on the sink, bleeding to death. It was a neurological issue that prompted the stroke and she was a heavy smoker. She was in her eighties. Also, she was more of a mother to me in my youth than my own mother. This is how I always saw her and was grateful for it. She was kind, generous, humble, and loving where my mother was not. These traits she taught me.
The second thing and validation, I wish to note that I did not inform you in detail during our call, is the male figure (lateral to me) had passed on a year earlier in his forties from a severe accident that led him to the hospital. There he remained in Intensive Care for a few weeks before passing from a lung embolism. As you said, “he is making me feel like there is medical equipment around him, and there is this suffocation feeling and difficulty in breathing.” Yes. Accurate. Validation 2.
Validation 3. You went on to inform me that my traits or qualities about me are charitable, generous, big heart, helping people, caring and so forth. This was being explained to you by both or one of these two deceased individuals. I was a bit surprised for a moment that anyone would notice this about me. It was nice to hear and I was hesitant to admit it because I am not perfect and have faults as well. However, it is true. I do put others before myself more often than not. Not only in my children (which most people do) but, also in others around me. I don’t mind being this way. However, unfortunately, people take advantage of this caring nature about me. I see it, but can’t help and wonder why do they do it. My mother would be a good example of this situation. But I also see it in siblings, friends, and strangers. I think they believe I am naïve or dare I say, stupid. I am not. I just choose to make them feel good. I know how important that is in life.
You went on to inform me that the male stepped up and began to connect with you and that he was laughing. I want to let you know that was his nature, and his nature with me, we joked around each other constantly. Immense love, and a lot of teasing and joking with one another. Plus, I can imagine he was happy to come through for me. You spoke about him letting you know that I was blaming or feeling accountable for something and so forth. “I was crazy, and never meant to change”. I won’t go into much detail. But this was spot-on. As if he was in my head and new my thoughts and feelings verbatim. I also spoke these thoughts out loud to him (after he had passed, like I knew he was in the room with me-which now I understand he was) and also to his brother and my friends. How I took responsibility at how our lives turned out to be, separated. Which I believed altered his life path as well as mine. In my thinking, that if our life paths had not altered (or if we had been together), he would not have died so early. Yes, I was blaming myself. Yes, I was apologizing and saying “sorry” to him lots of times out loud and in my head. That’s as much detail I wish to share. Thus, you were accurate Chris. Validation 4
He was my love. The nature of our relationship was absolutely beautiful. You went on to inform me how difficult it was in the beginning between because of the circumstances around us. We ourselves did not have an issue with one another. It was the challenges around us. This is true. Validation 5 . I can elaborate on detail a little. I was saved by him, more than once. First, by an accident that would have scarred me or killed me. It was flaming alcoholic shots in a tray at a bar that was elbow bumped into the air and the flamed alcoholic shots came raining down right above me. He pushed me out of the way. I didn’t know it was him until days later. Unfortunately, three other individuals did catch on fire. No one was seriously harmed. The second time he saved me, soon after, was from my predicament in life. I was married to a friend at school on a whim to escape an arranged marriage brought on by family. It wasn’t a real marriage, just a way to upset my parents and denounce what they were trying to do to me. Unfortunately, my parents disowned me. My friend, now husband, would not let me out of the marriage to him. Without money, or help from anyone (extended family or friends even), I was trapped. It was the same soul you were speaking to, the one who saved me at the bar, who was a complete stranger to me, who put out his hand to help me out of this predicament. It was a few days later, he told me across a table in a diner one late evening (actually morning), “I don’t want anything in return from you. This is a plutonic relationship, I want to help you.”
Chris, he did exactly that. He helped and saved a complete stranger (more than once). We both had no money, and we were a year apart in age, 19 and 18. He helped me anyway he could and brought me eventually back to my family on good terms. It was very hard in every way. He made it possible. This is why I fell in love with him. His traits and my traits are alike in some ways. But he also has this inner strength, logical mind, good with money, good with numbers and unshakable conviction in whatever he sets his mind to do, he does. Fun loving and humble. Validation 6.
He never took advantage of me; and our relationship, although wrought with challenges, all along the way (including my mother and in my words, “the b**tch”, Validation 7), lasted a long time. It was wonderful. There were moments, I would swear on my life, he could hear my thoughts, unrelated thoughts, and would answer me when he was thinking I spoke out loud, when in reality, I had not. I would look at him in wonderment on how that was possible. Until this day, no one I have ever met, had this ability with me. It was not finishing a sentence or being on the same wavelength. No. The best way to describe it was literally answering me in words from a thought of mine he heard somehow, in an unrelated topic from the discussion we were having. Can you believe it?
There is so much more I could say about our reading. Like, the fear with the puppy. I wanted to tell you that you probably meant to say, that the puppy feared me. Not that I was afraid of the puppy. It was true. The massive amounts of money being spent by me. It was also true.
Everything said from beginning to end. All true.
Chris, if only people believed in the truth about life and afterlife, as it pertains to the souls of those we love and how they move on, the world would be different.
You are indeed gifted my friend.
Kindest Regards,
Nineveh Cannavino
Hi, I had a reading with you Mar 16. The accuracy of what you said was amazing. One thing you said did not make any sense until after. Most of the reading my dad Stan dominated. You mentioned 2 names that I completely do not know anyone by that name during the reading nor my mom Charlotte who was with me. You said George and Steve. You mentioned that St letters probably meant Stan. When I came home I mentioned to my 11 year old son that this was one thing that did not make sense. Then he said "mom but dad calls me and Daniel (his brother) those names". I think that was it. We call our 2 boys those names when they are not paying attention to us when we speak to them just for fun. Just 2 of those exact random names my husband said once and we used them ever since. So funny I did not clue in at that time and how amazing if that was it. Thanks again!
Anna Suchecki Gajewska
March 2017
““We waited a long time to have a reading with Chris, but it was well worth the wait! He was extremely accurate, giving amazing details. His style was down to earth and very specific. Speaking as someone who has been read by some other very well known mediums, I can honestly say Chris delivered the most accurate reading for us. Chris is truly in an elite class within his field.
- Chris and Melissa, from Louisiana “
I think I went to see you for the first time about 3 or 4 years ago. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but you have truly changed my life! I was trying to get over the loss of my mom (my world) back in 2008. I was living with a lot of unanswered questions in regards to her sudden passing that you were able to relay to me. I now have CLOSURE which I so desperately needed. I truly believe NOW that our loved ones that have passed on before us are with us each and every day even though we can’t see them, they are here no doubt! You are truly a remarkable man/medium with such an amazing God given talent . I just love it when I am able to go to your seminars just to see the reactions of other people who are as lucky as I am to have had the opportunity to have loved ones reach out to them. It truly blows my mind but warms my heart! What you have brought to my life since I have met you will never be forgotten, I can’t thank you enough!
Tammy Croft”
“Dear Chris:
Thank you very much for the wonderful experience my husband, John, and I had with you on Saturday, April 7th, 2001.
After seeing your presentation at Chapters in Newmarket on March 27th, 2001 I was very pleased with your speech on spiritual mediumship, as well very impressed with your accuracy on communicating with specific spirits that were present.
That evening I spoke with my husband about meeting with you as his father recently passed away. My husband was a bit sceptical because he never put much thought into the idea of communicating with people that have passed on. He was intrigued, agreed to meet because of the possibilities and promised to keep an open mind.
John was thrilled with the experience. It was more than he expected or could have hoped for. There was no doubt in John’s mind that his father, Jim, was present. The message that Jim relayed to you was invaluable to John.
This experience has been life altering for my husband. For this Chris, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I would also like to thank you for your devotion and commitment to communicate these meaningful personal messages. People with your skill set are few and far between. You are so needed in the world today. I wish you well and great success as you continue to help people like us who cherish the messages from our loved ones. Loved ones who have a view of our lives from a pure, loving and purposeful perspective. Again, thank you Chris.
Truly grateful, ”
“Dear Chris,
I just wanted to write you a letter and thank you so much for changing my life. When Gladys mentioned what you could do I waited until I felt emotionally ready to meet you. I had to make sure that if you could not listen to the spirit world and you were just like those advertised people on t.v. or the newspaper I had to be prepared to accept that.
When I cam to Gladys’s house I was very open to receive what you had to say. I was amazed at what you were able to do. Not only do you have a gift of talking to the spirit world you were able to give me the gift of peace. I will be eternally grateful to you for that. You were able to present Hailey’s personality through your words. I knew she was there. I was finally able to acknowledge what I had felt for the past 3 years was true. She was with me all the time. She was trying to let me know she was okay. I needed confirmation that I was not just hearing what I wanted to hear and feeling what I needed to feel.
The moment I met you my life changed. I am so happy in my heart, that is something I have not felt for years. I feel complete again. My daughter never left me, God did not punish me, she was not punished by me being her mom, she loves me, she knows I tried my best. I always thought that if she had a mother who was smarter, kinder, older, younger, anything but who I was. I felt that I had let her down by just being me. I can now walk with my head up knowing she chose me, it makes me feel special instead of feeling guilty for her illness.
I can’t seem to express in words what you have given me, I just simply want to thank you and make you realize what a gift you have.
You were a pleasure to meet and I hope that one day soon we can meet again.
Forever grateful, ”
“Dear Chris
The evening we spent was an experience I hope to repeat. Thank you!
I had never been in contact with a Spiritual Medium and had no idea what to expect, you made me feel it is the most natural thing to sit and chat to deceased friends and relatives. I was able to “put to bed” a number of issues that I had trouble dealing with, especially with Lynn (who has not changed at all) and my Mother!
After your session I felt relaxed and at peace within myself, just as I do when dear friends and family visit.
I hope you will be able to help many people over many years to feel the same as I did and still do.
Yours sincerely
“Dear Chris,
I am writing to tell you how much I appreciate your gift.
I never read your literature before our session but I was prepared because I believed. Through you I spoke to my brother who died in 1970. He told me his death was an accident, which was an unanswered question for my whole family.
I spoke with another deceased friend who also gave me an answer.
You mentioned my mother, my niece, my friend and things that no-one could ever have known. Also September 13th was a date given through you. It meant nothing to me until the next day and it happened to be the date of my nephew’s death, (my deceased brother’s son) I never knew him.
Thanks again, best wishes ”
“Dear Chris,
I am writing this letter on behalf of my daughter Lisa and myself to thank you so much for the reading done for us on January 14, 2002. We are still both overwhelmed by the validations you presented to us.
My brother passed away on December 16th, 2001 and from that day on I had a very strong feeling that I should seek a Medium. It was as if he was pushing me in that direction. Quite by chance, (and now I’m not so sure it was by chance) an acquaintance just had a personal reading with you and was shocked by the truths you presented to her. I immediately got your phone number and the rest is history.
I had hoped to make a connection with my brother and was prepared if this did not happen. Much to my astonishment and to my daughter’s, found that when we arrived for the reading that my brother, who had crossed over, was waiting patiently for you to get started. He had much to say.
Everything you conveyed - the way that he passed, the people in his circle and the people and events in his life were 100% correct. There were a couple of points that we weren’t quite sure of, but as soon as my brother’s widow heard the tape she knew right away what was being referenced. You even referenced something that my brother did not know in this life, but now knows. That really blew us away.
My husband and older brother (both very skeptical) were speechless after hearing the tape. I’m sure now you have made believers of them both.
The main reason for this letter is to thank you and let you know what a difference you have made in our lives. Not only for myself and my daughter who were actually at the reading, but my family who have listened to that tape. You possess a wonderful gift. we are all comforted in this time of sadness and grief to know (for sure) that our loved ones are still with us.
I look forward to meeting with you again sometime in the future.
Sincerely, ”
“Christopher -
Just a word to tell you how much we enjoyed the reading and the tape. We had a wonderful day.
The tape has left a great impression on the family. Donnie was a sick man for a long time and it left the toll on the family.
Hearing him apologize and tell how how much he loved each one was something to remember for ever.
The grandchildren were touched. They cried so hard when they heard it. We taped more tapes for the whole family for future use. To remind them about their real grandad.
Thanks Christopher, you have touched my heart. I will always remember you.
God bless you. ”
“Dear Chris,
I had a reading with you on Saturday May 5th
(and my daughter Lynn was with me). My mom died Jan/01 and I was totally devastated and really didn’t think I was going to make it or go on living because my grief was so deep within my soul. “ You have such a wonderful gift!” I know you contacted my mother because you repeated a conversation that I had with my mom and only she knew what the words were.
Before I went to see you, I had asked God and Mom that if I heard the name “Jamie” I would know for sure that she was OK and I would believe that she could hear me talking to her now. “Jamie” is my Mom’s nickname for my brother whose real name is Jim and YES I did hear that name as well as many more messages. I also received messages from at least 4 other people who had died and were very close to me.
There were a few messages I wasn’t quite sure about until I talked to a few people who I thought might have been involved and BOOM the missing piece of the puzzle was given to me everything was 100% clear. Your reading was 98% right on and I could not have gotten a better reading from James Van praagh or Sylvia Browne. Thank you so much and it is wonderful that you can help so many people continue on with their lives after grief devastates them. YOU GAVE ME HOPE.
Love, ”
“Hi Chris, it has been some time that I have wanted to write and tell you how much the reading you did for my family in December has changed peoples lives. It really put my mother at peace and also at the same time put my nephew at peace as well.
You were right on about everything that came through. It was so my brother who did the whole reading. He was extremely a leader in every which way and he came through as that even on the other side. What he had to say to his son was just incredible. Everything you had brought up was just to the tee and now my nephew knows that not only is his dad with him in spirit but also his little brother. The both of them had died in a fire almost two years ago. My nephew has had a real hard time at it since his dad passed. My brother was a single dad. After going to your session he is a completely different kid. He is much more at ease and knows that he is not alone even though his dad is not here in a physical sense. He also knows now he wasn’t crazy when he felt his dad around him. You were the one to confirm all the things that were happening and also things that did happen. Thank you so much for helping the people who are left behind know that their love ones are O.K. and will be around them from time to time. ”
“Dear Chris,
I would like to thank you once again for the life changing reading you gave me on December 7th 2002. It was an experience that I will never forget, and one that I hope to repeat in years to come.
I have waited a long time for the opportunity to speak with my grandfather on the other side, and I have visited other mediums who were not able to communicate with him. You have no idea how rewarding it was for me to hear you say that my grandfather was proud of me for how my life has turned out since his passing. I will treasure those words forever.
I must say that I was very pleased with your skills as a medium, and the accuracy of your comments would silence any skeptic. You have a gift that can touch many lives in a positive way, and I hope that those in need continue to find their way to you. I wish you continued success, and look forward to our next meeting.
Very Sincerely, ”
“Hi Chris.
My 3 daughters and I attended your seminar last Sunday at the MADD weekend. Kristen is my youngest daughter, If you remember she was the first person you spoke to. I wanted to let you know that you have had a huge impact on her. It has only been a couple of days but I have already seen a difference in her. Since her father was killed two years ago she has been very bitter (as you told her) withdrawn, has no interest in anything, she had the attitude of “oh well I don’t really care about anything anyways” I have tried everything with her and could not break her out of her moods and depression. I have been very concerned about her.
Since your reading on Sunday she has done a complete turn around and I feel that I have my youngest daughter back. She had her picture taken with you after the seminar and I know she will cherish it. She hasn’t stopped talking about you and the reading you gave her. My only regret is that when you kept asking for a name with an ST, I didn’t bite. My last name is St. Jacques. I was so shocked about the reading you gave Kristen and the fact that you spent so much time talking to her, I didn’t want to say anything in case it wasn’t for me.I guess I didn’t want to much focus on my family, and I didn’t want to take away from anyone else.But that is ok because if Kristen has her way she will see you again in the future, I am sure.
Once again thank you.
“Hi Chris,
I had a reading with you on Wednesday June 25th and wanted to thank you.
As I said to you then, with not ever knowing my Dad I have found it difficult to feel connected to him in spirit and just couldn’t feel him around. After having the reading, I now feel his presence, I guess more just recognizing it and allowing it. The messages from him have been of tremendous comfort and validation, most importantly his acknowledgment that he did not make the right choice and that I was “robbed” in childhood. I feel his presence strongly now, although I think it was there before I just wouldn’t allow it, or couldn’t accept it.
Thank you so much!
Thanks again Chris,”
“Dear Chris:
I wanted to take this opportunity to express formally my sincere appreciation for the outstanding reading that you provided to me last evening. The hour and a half was filled with wonderful validations and confirmation that my Mom was still with me in my life, encouraging, supporting, and loving me every step of my journey. You have given me the gifts of joy and peace that allow me to set aside my fears that this is all there is, and get on with enjoying and learning from my day-to-day experiences; knowing fully that we will meet again.
The moment that you uttered the nickname that my Mom always called me, even as a grown man, did it for me! That nickname was a very private family thing and if you recall she repeated the saying on many occasions during the session, she was very insistent that I knew that it was she. When I got home last night, I took time to reflect on what took place. As I did, a smile came upon me like I have not experienced in a long time and I simply broke down for a while not for reasons of sadness or pain, but the wonderful realization that the “baggage” (worry) that I had been carrying for almost 4 years had disappeared. I realize that most of us possess the capacity to have faith that we will meet our loved ones who have passed, in some form of afterlife, but for me I needed more I needed to experience what you provided. I needed to hear and feel the energy/spirit that still exists on the other side and the realization that it is real beyond any doubt. Chris ,you did that for me and I am forever grateful.
I wish you well in your journey. You are a kind, compassionate and inspirational human being with a great gift to help your fellow man.
The reading we received from you today was incredible. The experience was as wonderful as I had hoped.
We walked away from your office with even more of a closeness with our father than I could have imagined. The validations were very precise.
The atmosphere of your office is very calming and should you come in with any nervousness, within minutes you put them most certainly at ease.
Andrea and I enjoyed talking with you afterwards, and as I am sure you have been asked those questions we asked, many times over, you answered all of our questions without any hesitation or the feeling of being rushed.
Again Chris, Andrea and I wish to thank you for the time spent with us, and we are already discussing when we will see you again.
Thank you,”
“Hi Chris,
Manuela and I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for yesterday’s session. We both benefited tremendously from it and is something we will recommend to all our family and friends who have lost loved ones. I hope you won’t mind getting any referrals from us (ha ha! just kidding). I can honestly say that in the past 21 years since my mom has passed on, I have never felt her presence as much as yesterday. I’ve always known that she lives in me and is always with me, but it’s so nice to hear it from her directly. The degree of accuracy from the reading is beyond comprehension. Understand that this is the first time I’ve ever been to a spiritual medium, so this is why I was so thrilled about coming to see you. Whenever I’d watch Crossing Over with John Edwards I thought it was “made for TV”, but obviously yesterday’s session was enough proof to me that there is life after death and that we can communicate with our deceased loved ones (not that I needed proof). So, once again, thank you so much for the reading. You are truly gifted and it’s so wonderful to see that you are fulfilling your calling in life.
With Gratitude”
“Just want to say thanks for your reading on Saturday. It was much more than
I ever expected. There was an accident you kept returning too that neither Margo or I could validate. When I got home I realized it was my husband’s
brother trying to be heard. He was run over by a drunk driver while waking home. It happened in the evening at the bottom of the hill where he lived.
There was a street lamp where the accident happened. His name was Eric and I believe that is where the c/k connection was coming from.
Once again, thank you for everything and I will see you in the new year.”
“Hi Chris!!
I wanted to send you a note expressing how much of a great experience your seminar was. My friend and relatives including myself are totally in awe with your abilities and wish you great success. Although I have read many books on this subject, there was still something telling me in the back of my mind that these things were all a joke. You proved me wrong. Hearing from the other side gave me such a feeling of comfort as well as a sense of peace in knowing that life does REALLY go on, and that someday I will be reunited with loved ones. Thanks again!
“Hi Chris:
I just finished listening to the tape you made in our session with Rob and myself.
I want you to know how much that time, with you, meant to both of us and especially to me. I had only one hope for the session, and that was for Rob to connect with Debbie. I had offered to let Rob meet with you privately but he felt it would be good for us both to spend time with you. He said we would be able to bounce things off of each other and was he ever right. You were our topic of discussion all the way to his parents in Niagara-on-the-Lake.
The results of our communication with Debbie has brought me more peace than you can ever imagine. I knew, in my mind that Debbie had lived for a few minutes after the impact and I thank you for confirming that and the fact that she felt no pain.
I received more answers and peace, during the hour with you, than I have in the two years since she was killed. The calmness within me is more than priceless!!
In many ways, our meeting gave me a sense of closure to the accident, a spirit of hope today, and a beam of light for tomorrow.
I really believe there was a Higher Power at work arranging for our paths to cross!
I thank my higher power for throwing me a life-line (YOU) out to me in the choppy sea of life. The sky is clear, the waters are calm, and the warmth and light of the sun is shining down on me!
It may be a long and trying swim to the shore where Debbie is waiting for me, but I now know I can go the distance and meet any challenge to make it to that shore.
I am so thankful, to know, that she is not alone. Thankful, that my dearest friend is also not alone. Joyous, that they are together and walking with us down the path of life!
Each night I stand on my balcony and look up at the moon. When I see the brightest star next to it, that is Debbie. To the right of her is a much smaller star and that is my granddaughter I never got to see or hold. I feel that connection, and you confirmed my belief when you brought up the topic of the stars.
You are blessed with a very special gift, Chris.
I thank you for sharing that gift with me, and for making my hope a reality with Rob.
I will think of you every time I see a penny and pick it up. They will definitely be pennies from heaven.
May the spirits remain with you and your family.
Forever in my prayers.
P.S. - I couldn’t wait until I got home to share my joy with you. This is coming to you from my brother’s, in Burlington
“Dear Chris
I went to your group reading on Tuesday, July 20th thinking that in all probability no one would try to contact me but if there were someone, it would be my mother. She passed away just four months ago at the grand old age of 92. She always thought she was a “little bit psychic”. (Her words) Sure enough she did come through to let me know she was all right. I was a little confused as to whom you thought she was with but after some thinking, I now have some ideas on that. You mentioned the constriction of the throat which I misinterpreted as an earlier illness when in fact she had suffered a stroke a few weeks before she passed and eating was a real problem and eventually, impossible. Also prior to your focusing on my end of the room, I’m sure there was one if not two other times that she was trying to get my attention. I already felt sure my Mum was okay. She sent me a signal via a clock that used to be hers and is now in our house but it was good to get a confirmation through you. Her last few years were extremely difficult for her.
But when my son Scott came through, I was truly moved. At 19, he took his own life over twenty years ago and I didn’t really hold too much hope that he would send any messages as it was only for a short period following his death that I felt him with me. There were things you mentioned when trying to validate who the message was for that now make a little more sense when at the time, I guess my emotions were running high and I was missing the point. I will always remember you looking straight at me and hearing those comforting words. My husband was a cynic until the clock “event” but when he heard what I had to tell him about our son’s message, he had tears in his eyes. I feel now he has been upgraded to a sceptic.
One of the things you said our son wanted us to know was he laid the blame nowhere but at his own feet. Our son was depressed but we assumed it was one of those school, girlfriend, what am I going to do with the rest of my life issues which it probably was but for him it was more than he could bear. Actually I think there is a message here for all those who have lost a loved one by suicide. Don’t you think that if there was anything that could have been done to prevent it, you would have done it?!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting my son’s and my mother’s messages across. I wish I had known about you years ago. And thank you so much for giving those of us in this area a chance to experience your very special gift.
Sincerely, ”
“Dear Chris,
I’m not sure if you’d remember me from the MADD conference Seminar in April of this year or not. My name is Christina Brown, I was one of the few who were fortunate enough to have a reading that weekend. Within that reading, you mentioned a mother-daughter connection, with the daughter being below me. At the time I was nearly 4 months pregnant. I have now had my baby, October 21. I remember you saying even at the beginning of that seminar, that you may not always be correct in predicting that sort of thing, but I’m writing to you today, to let you know, that this time, you were right. I firmly believe the person/people who came through to me that day, knew full well that I was having a girl. I now have a beautiful baby girl, whom we have named Sierra.
I thank you for the opportunity to meet you and for the reading.
I wanted to take a few moments to express once again my heartfelt thanks for
the wonderful experience that you provided me during my most recent visit
with you. As I mentioned, after my session, it was amazing how understanding
my Mom was, to my request that I made of her prior to the session, namely
that I was primarily there to accompany a home town friend who lost his
brother not too long ago. I remember so well my thoughts to her ... I do
want you (Mom) to come through, but it would be wonderful if you could help
the brother ( she knew the boy) of my friend to come forward and validate
that life does indeed continue. I was utterly thrilled that at the very
beginning of the session you mentioned that she had entered the room, but
that she was just patiently standing by me, not really wanting to say
anything at that time ... just wanting to be there. It was then ... that my
friend’s brother and some other quite unique characters came through so
forcefully and wonderfully! I watched my friend’s range of emotions go from
laughter, to crying, to sheer joy all in such a short period of time ... it
was astonishing to watch and listen and it was astounding to feel the joy of
someone else’s experiences. I was simply mesmerized by my friends reading.
Not to be disappointed, however, after my friend’s cast of characters had
pulled back ... it was now my Mom’s turn to say what I needed to hear and in
one instance, I was floored by her comment regarding the ‘lending of money’
issue. I always wanted to keep that quiet, because I only wanted to help
someone who desperately needed assistance, but I think she felt that I
needed to know that she knew and that’s a good thing! Although she did not
pass on as much info as she did during my first visit; I completely
understand she conveyed what I need to know ... she didn’t have to convince
or validate her existence to me anymore ... that’s been done already.
To be succinct Chris, my heart sang when I left your office. My friend
looked at me with tears in his eyes and said simply: “ That was the greatest
gift I could ever have received and Jim, thank you for being part of it”
What more could anyone wish for ... to know that you helped a friend and it
made a difference!
Thank you Chris, for helping make that happen.
Regards. ”
“The seminar was amazing.
Chris’ approach put me at ease immediately. He made me feel that if I were skeptical, that’s okay and should I or anyone in the audience feel skeptical... he wasn’t there to make you a believer, just offering his ‘gift’.
I think a few folks who came with preconceived negative thoughts left pleasantly surprised and perhaps a little more curious.
I found the seminar incredibly professional, not hokey and an opportunity to experience, simply experience. Not move my life, change me forever but an opportunity to peak around another wall.
I think MADD should seriously consider Chris as a fund-raiser. Not for victims of MADD, but to raise funds for the cause and should victims of MADD wish also to attend then it’s a double benefit. ”
“Since it was the first time I had ever attended an event like that, I was
impressed. I think that a lot of the things he said brought comfort to
those who were there. There is no way of knowing beforehand any
information that he talked about. I would certainly attend this type of
event again.”
“I would like to personally thank you for the opportunity to go to the seminar. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and felt it certainly made me feel good. Chris spoke to me with messages from my son and whether people believe or not - I certainly do. Chris said things only Harry would know. At this time of year I’m usually feeling very low but I now feel good as I know Harry continues to be with us - if only in spirit. I don’t know who organized having Chris, but from the bottom of my heart I say thank you. I now continue on my journey without Harry but have the knowledge of knowing he travels with me. Our family all feel the pain has lessened since we know Harry served his purpose in life and now watches over all of us. Once again, thank you for the wonderful evening.
With Warmest Regards”
I had amazing feedback from people regarding the session. Nat said it was the best session yet!
We want to thank you for sharing in our lives. Your gift brings comfort to many people who are destined to grieve in a very dark hole for the rest of their lives.
Our home is always open to you and your family.”
“I want to thank you for organizing the session with Chris Stillar. Ever
since my brother died I have wanted to meet with someone like him but never
had the resources. Chris really amazed me with the messages from Harry and
told me things that only Harry would know. I would recommend Chris to anyone
who needs to feel some comfort.
Thank you again!”
“Let me first start by saying Chris Stillar helped me to become unstuck after 4 years. He’s remarkable because he wants no information just yes/no’s and do you understand. Then with all the millions, trillions of infinite sentences, words, references, names and events that could randomly be put together, he put together exact information, names, both first and second (my grandfather’s second name) I didn’t know his second name before the reading. Chris spoke of specific events he could not have known of. In particular two events. One that only my husband, our departed daughter Jennifer and myself knew. The second one only my husband and I knew.
Jennifer suffered a mental illness that irregardless of intense effort ultimately led to her suicide because she refused to be consistent with her treatment. She was sick for 12 years. It was a chemical imbalance she suffered from. We would move 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. It was difficult and eventually her father stopped talking to her almost completely. She screamed to me a few times, “he never talks to me, he hates me”. But, Chris told my husband ( a non believer at the time) “ she hears you talking to her now”. My husband is not normally expressive, but a huge bolder has now been lifted off of him. Chris also made reference to her being with him when he has his feet up with a hole in the big toe of his sock. It sounds awful but he wears steel toe boots and he buys socks constantly because of the big toe problem. Chris talked about family members I never knew about as 3 grandparents had died when my parents were just young children.
Jennifer was my only child. In the reading Chris touched on the fact that I had gotten to her in time before. He asked me if there was some sort of attempt or feeling of almost saving her this time and there was. Chris described in the reading the physical sensation of the female below (daughter figure) and how I got a call from her boyfriend. Jennifer grabbed a pill bottle and ran. I called police because they could get there and start the search faster than me. When I got there she was in the laneway of her apartment. I had been getting professional advice to let go. I wanted to put her in the car and take her home and hold her and start again, but I didn’t. She hung herself a few days later.
After she died, sleep became even harder than before, it was impossible and I would in exhaustion chant, “Jen baby come into my soul, let me hold you and comfort you in my soul. Come to me and rest here”. Eventually I would feel a cool band across my shoulders and fall asleep for a while. The last part of Chris’s reading was that Jennifer was “going into me at night”. Oh he also told me there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent Jennifer from doing this.
Borderline Personality Disorder with depression is an ugly illness for a child, teenager, and young adult. I did everything possible to get her well. Chris said things in the reading that only the 3 of us knew including right off the top that this reading was going to be very involved with the number 3. When he spoke of an oval shape, I didn’t get it all until about 4 weeks ago. But it again was huge (enormous). I drew the oval on a white box that had the jewelry Jenny was wearing when she passed. The funeral director gave her jewelry to me in this. Jen’s high school sweetheart reconnected with us following her death and would spend evenings with us talking about Jenny. I drew an oval on the box to demonstrate where our seats were in the Olympic stadium in Montreal when she was only 12. I had taken her there when she first started to show hostile behavior and went from being a straight A student to not going to school at all. I felt sad touching the box and showing her boyfriend her rings and earrings and he recognized them immediately. I put the box away behind something in the living room and only touched it when dusting. My husband didn’t even know about the oval. It is a watershed of comfort that she acknowledged the amount of deep love that went into making that trip.
From there she said through Chris in a humorous way “she was a pain in the ass”, we laughed. She was smart, funny, beautiful, big hearted, when she was lucid. She suffered for too many years. But she’s happy, laughing, content loving and surrounded with loving relatives. Clarification of details from my mom are correct as well. Of all the words that can be strung together, hang on because the words concerning your departed loved ones still being here are going to rock your world. Thank you Chris. Jennifer passed at the age of 23 just after college graduation. ”
“Hi Chris
I enjoyed your seminar on Saturday very much. I just wanted to let you know that my brother came thru for us. You asked me if I was going to the racetrack that evening because you were going and thats what they were showing you. Well if you recall my husband Brian was suppose to come to the seminar but went to work instead and the kicker to that is that he was working at the racetrack while we were at the seminar. It was the first time he has worked there and he has been with his company for 30 years. Danny also told Christine to enjoy her ice cream. The night before she had bought an ice cream and didnt like it and on the way to your seminar we stopped at the coffee shop that her friend Angie recently bought to chat for a few minutes. Christine had said she wanted to stop there after the seminar for an icecream .
My brother Danny really loved my husband, they were very much like brothers themselves. We all had a very close relatio nship and maybe someday when he is ready he will come for a reading himself. Just wanted to let you know . It was wonderful to see the comfort you brought to the other people at the seminar. It was an amazing thing to witness.
I would also like to say that Danny is right, I guess I have become a real converter for what you do, its something ive always believed in and Danny knew that too. I guess thats why our readings are always so good. anyway thats all for now. Take care and if its okay we will come to see you next winter.”
“Dear Chris
I am not very computer literate but I wanted to let you know that I’ve been to see you recently and was truly amazed at the reading that you gave me. I’m not going to go into the details of the reading but feel that you should know that I’ve have been to so called spiritual mediums before and have always come away with a few things that could possibly be meant for me or maybe they were very generalized. Having lost several family members in the last few years I felt drawn to you and went thru a little bit of a trial to find out about where you were .
On October the 31st of 2004 I lost my best friend, my brother. Our connection will never be severed thru life or death. I know for a fact that he is around me whenever I think of him. Out of feeling a little embarassed I am not going to go into the reading for fear that you may feel that I am a little strange. That has been said to me many times throughout my life. When I lost my dad a few years ago I know that I had a visit from him in the form of a dream. No one can ever take that from me. It has happened to me before with another family member. I can’t tell you how much those visits have helped me to go thru the loss. I know that you understand that feeling.
On October the 30th , I finally got your name and number. What was meant to be will happen. The reason for this email is to let you know one more thing. In my reading you told me that either myself or another female family member will have a growth or tumor or something that needed to be checked out. My daughter had some tumors last year but you said that you felt that it hadn’t happened as of our reading, or at least what you felt to be. You also said that you didnt want to freak anybody out but to get it checked out. Well the growth is there now and it hasn’t been diagnosed as of yet. Hopefully it is not serious, but as I said what is meant to be will be.
Thank you so much for making me more aware of this and to watch out for it. Maybe it’s not too late, so just to let you know not to worry about freaking anyone out, you may very well be saving a life. What a gift to get, meeting you may very well get me thru anything, knowing that my life will go on no matter what the outcome.I hope this doesn’t sound too dramatic but thank you for what you do. I’ve given alot of thought as to whether to email you and have decided to validate you!! I will let you know the outcome.”
“Dear Chris, words could not begin to express how much the telephone reading we had on Tuesday meant to me. It gave me some sense of peace and hope to know that my son Stephen is ok and is at peace. I was surprised about the content and the amount of information that came across and was so thankful that my son came through to me.
Stephen was the center of my world, he meant everything to me and I would have done anything for him. I always felt Stephen and I were very close and we talked about a lot of things, we didn’t always agree, but we talked them out.
I was so surprised when right from the start the mention of the legal issue came up. We were leaving for Columbus, Ohio that afternoon to meet with our attorney and the attorney representing “GlaxoSmithKline” the makers of Paxil. The original meeting was scheduled for Thursday and then they called at the last minute to move the meeting up. That was why I needed to reschedule our call. Your reading confirmed everything my husband and thought all along, that Paxil was the cause of his death. I even asked the coroner who came to our home if that could have been a factor in his death, and she nodded her head and said yes that it was possible. Two weeks after Stephen’s passing is when all the news came out about the studies that the company didn’t reveal that indicated the increase risk of suicide in children and adolescents. Two weeks after his death the FDA issued the black label warnings for all SSRI’s.
In the beginning you kept saying it’s ok, it’s ok. Stephen use to say that to me when I was upset about messing something up or was feeling upset about something, he would tell me that it’s ok it’s ok. His dad dreams of Stephen and he also repeats to his dad in his dreams that it’s ok. I wish I could dream about Stephen, so I can see his face and hear his voice. I miss him with all my heart. As stated during the reading, I do feel lost, I don’t know what to do with myself, he was the center of my world and it’s so lonely without him.
It also came across loud and clear, over and over, that I should not hold off my grieving till the outcome of the legal issue. For months I kept telling myself that when the legal issue was all over, things would be better, I would have some sense of resolution. But like the reading said, I need to start now, today, and not wait for the legal issue to be resolved because it won’t change anything no matter what the outcome was. I have given this much thought and I realize that no matter what the outcome of the legal issue, I will still be without my beloved son.
In the reading you mentioned an item I have pressed in a book. I knew immediately what you were referring too. After my son passed away, my husband and I were going through his room and sorting his personal items and in the massive amount of stuff in his room, we came across one picture. It was a picture of him as a baby sleeping in his dad’s chair. I took that picture as a sign from Stephen telling me that he was at peace. I set the picture aside and was looking at it the next day. I looked on the back and the date written on the back was September 1985, exactly nineteen years ago. (Stephen was 19 when he passed away (9/26/04). I pull that picture out often and look at it to try to remind myself that it was a sign from Stephen. There are a few other little items that I keep there as well, that I find in odd places but are connect to Stephen.
So much of the information you shared hit home and validated to me that it was Stephen. I can’t thank you enough; I feel that now I can begin the long process of trying to heal. I still have my doubts, and I still have a difficult time forgiving myself for not being there when he needed me the most, but I will work on that. But it’s the mother in me, aren’t we suppose to protect our children from harm. I felt and still feel that I failed him on that day, that’s one of the hardest parts to deal with. It came across that it was his time to go and I was not supposed to be there. I wasn’t feeling well that day (the day he passed away) and told Stephen I was going to lie down for a little while and when I woke up I would help him clean his room. When I laid down, a voice in my head kept telling me to get up, yet a more calming voice gently told me to just close my eyes for a minute. It was 45 minutes later that my husband screamed my name, he found Stephen hanging in our garage.
If you don’t mind I do have a couple questions. In the reading you mention that you see a dog with puppies. We had three dogs. Two little dogs (they are about the same size ) the other dog was a puppy, however, the puppy was at least 3 times the size of the other two dogs and I thought that maybe you saw the puppy as the mother of the two smaller dogs; could that have been or am I reading something more into this. The other question is you stated that you saw three pregnancies a 2/1 split. My question is: before I was pregnant with Stephen there were two occasions that I thought for sure I was pregnant. I had the same symptoms as I had when I was pregnant with Stephen, morning sickness etc. My monthly cycle was very late on those two occasions and when it came I was in an extreme amount of pain and I always thought in my heart that I was pregnant and miscarried. Stephen was my only child. Could that explain the 2/1 split two miscarriages and one live birth?
Chris, you gave me such a wonderful gift. The gift of knowing my son is ok and is at peace. The pain of losing Stephen is still so very strong, and I can’t begin to imagine that it will ever get better. I loved Stephen with every fiber of my being and I miss him with all my heart. My life will never be the same. But I will take what he said to heart and try my best and put one foot in front of the other. I do feel guilty for not really acknowledging the others who were with Stephen, I feel like I owe them an apology; for after the reading I felt I was rude to them by not really acknowledging them there. My most urgent and immediate need was to talk to my son and that was all I could think about. I hope they understand and forgive me. You had stated that there were three people with my son, an older female, an older male, did the third person ever identify themselves?
Again, Chris, thank you so much. It was more than I could have hoped for. The reading with you has given me hope were all I felt was hopelessness. Bless you for the gift you offer to many. Attached is a picture of my beautiful son that you requested.
Thank you so much!
PS - I haven’t had a chance to enjoy the ice cream cone, but my husband and I plan to do that this weekend (he knew that I’ve been craving an ice cream cone for the past couple weeks and we will enjoy with Stephen) Thank you, thank you! If you wanted to see more picture of Stephen, we do have a website in his memory - the picture slide shows are my favorite (the favorite songs, and family memory and Stephen’s favorite links aren’t working yet. A friend of my husband’s created the site for us - ”
“Dear Chris,
So often we have thought of writing you over the past months to share just how deeply our family appreciates you both personally and for the special gift you’ve have been blessed with. Since our 17 years old son, Patrick passed in a tobogganing accident this past February our lives have been forever altered. There are no words that can even begin to express the anguish we felt with his passing. Imagining life without seeing his bright, smile every morning and hearing his contagious laughter was not even possible. There was no tomorrow. Waking each new day seemed to counter all belief that this degree of pain would surely lead a person to stop breathing or at any moment, shatter into a million pieces. While we experienced our own personal loss, our one essential need was to know that Patrick was comforted, held in good care, and surrounded by love.
Less than one month after the accident, we were given your name and our lives made yet another critical turn. Prior to meeting with you, we had no sense of what would be shared or learned, and arrived with open minds and hearts. Contrary to what others may believe, that grieving parents are most vulnerable to false hope and stories; we came not to be convinced for our own sake or comfort, but to discover the truth for Patrick’s. No person on this earth could have falsely convinced us that he was present, because we alone would know if what you shared were truly words and a message from our son. The reading you provided, left our family with an hour of affirmations and messages that could only have been from Patrick. The intimate detail of experiences and conversations we’d had together, along with his vision and encouragement of a future filled with hope, spoke directly from his heart to ours. Most remarkably, a number of messages related to events that have taken place since his passing. To know with complete assurance that Patrick continues to be with us is more than we could ever have expected or dreamt of, and yet he is.
Patrick has always been very analytical and somewhat of a philosopher. He was nick named a “wise old soul” from the time he was a young child, always seeing past what was obvious and looking deeper into what could be. At five, he deemed sleeping to be “a waste of time for good living.” In the past year of his life, there were a number of occasions that our family of four sat next to the fireplace and spoke of the importance in appreciating life every day, seeing each new morning as a gift. Gary and I have always known how completely blessed our lives have been, telling our sons that we were convinced they’d both fallen directly from the skies. We’ve been “lucky in life” and good things have always come our way at just the right moment. Most ironically, we spoke of “never feeling ripped-off and promising never to claim that life had not been fair should one of us go tomorrow”. Although the intent of these discussions were possibly to prepare our sons should something happen to Gary or myself, how can we now break that promise because it didn’t?
When Patrick was a child, we would often make up bedtime stories to tell, in which the main character was “Patrick”, who was and could do so many amazing things. Patrick would often ask, “Could you tell me one of those Patrick stories again?” loving to have them repeated over and over. Although we have no shadow of doubt in any part of your gift, or the affirmation we have received from our son, the readings we received from you on tape remind me of these great Patrick stories and during difficult times, we pull one out, just to hear it one more time! Chris, the gift you are blessed with in life has changed ours forever, and we cannot imagine where our family would be right now had we not met you. You have given us comfort beyond words and we will be forever grateful.
With sincerest appreciation,”
“Dear Mr. Stillar, My session with you was more than what i ever imagined. You have no idea how impressed and amazed I was. It was magical the way my loving Daddy and all the others came through. Everything mentioned was amazingly accurate and in fact have guided me in my day to day life. It was most entertaining and it gave me a gift of peace and comfort and for that I Thank You from the bottom of my heart!!You are AWESOME and I would not hesitate to see you again in the near future.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your time, energy and most of all for providing my sister and I with a life changing experience. It was a pleasure to meet you and we were thrilled to hear from our mother through you!!
Have a great day!!”
“Hi Chris I had a reading with you on Monday (March 19) and it was wonderful. Thankyou. I had asked my Mom to come through with some guidance and she certainly did! One of the things you said was “She is showing me a white bird with the wings spread wide by the window.” I couldn not think of what that was but when I got home I went to my kitchen window that has shelves running up the side of it. On one of the shelves is a white Doulton figurine that she gave me. She is holding out a white bird with the wings spread wide! That made me feel good. Also-she is called “Thinking of You” which I thought was appropriate. You told me that a big change for the better is coming and I am ready for it (hope it involves financial stability-forgot to ask you). It has been a challenging couple of years and after having had my reading with you I feel better already. I listened to my tape yesterday and was really impressed with your ability. Thanks so much for doing what you do. It truly is a gift to be able to help so many people in such a caring compassionate way. I feel like a cloud has been lifted. Take care. ”
“Hello Chris:
I just wanted to thank you for the reading I had with you on October 29th. During the reading there were just 2 things I wasn\’t sure of, but like you said it all came together afterward.
Not sure if you will remember me but my son Jeff came through as well as another unexpected young man Daryl who was a friend of the family.
You and I were both confused with a \”horse picture\” that you received from Jeff and you thought it might be linked to a family in King City who just lost their daughter recently.
I now believe Jeff was referring to his younger brothers\’ recent \”David Bolt\” tattoo which is a unicorn/medieval dragon that looks very much like a horse. He also described a place where he walks with me that had tall pines, a walkway and a baseball diamond across the street. At the time I was so overwhelmed I couldn\’t think but low and behold upon returning home I soon realized he was speaking of a condo on Widdicombe Hill that we lived a few years ago which he just loved. Jeff and I would walk his dog there.
So Chris absolutely everything that came through was accounted for! Be very proud of your gifted talent and the help you are giving to each one of us you touch both here and the other side.
I am still so overwhelmed and have spoken about you to all my friends and family.
You are certainly a very gifted person and I thank God for having met you. I have found a peace that I would still be searching for, hadn\’t I went to you that day.
My neighbour has an appointment with you and I have referred a friend of my cousin as well.
God Bless you Christopher, I will never forget that day you changed my life. I hope to meet with you again
“Hello Chris:
I wanted to post this on your site but couldn’t find the way in.
I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the reading yesterday, I have always felt and knew that my dad was with me, but I still needed something more and you certainly did that for me, and boy oh boy for my son Anthony, although dad loved all his gran kids my son Anthony had a very very special place in my dads heart and life, Dad was the father that Anthony never had, and dad sure came across just like he would if he were still alive today.
My goodness the reading that my cousin Maria received just blew her away, we laughed so much on the way home, it truly was incredible and amazing, it felt so good to know that the people we have loved and lost truly are still with us.
God Bless you and your family Chris.
You truly are a remarkable man.
“Dear Chris, it has been 2 weeks today since my husband Greg and I came to see you. It has taken me this long to truly absorb it all. You are an amazing man and have such a wonderful gift. What you said in our visit is
absolutely right, bereaved parents do not want to be conned, they can\’t afford to be. We both left you that day with such a peaceful feeling. We have always felt our son James\’ presence in our home and with our
granddaughter Kaylin as well. I will be honest and say that I never felt the
need to even think in the spiritual way until this tragedy 2 years ago. But since then I have read many many books, but this was only to confirm what we already believed in. If either of us had any doubt about whether he sees what is going on here on earth we certainly don\’t now. You have brought us peace like we haven\’t felt since his death. On the drive home I told Greg that I
felt like it was the first day of the rest of my life. Your gift had made a huge impact in our lives. We have shared our taped reading with our closest friends and our daughter-in-law Sarah and they are in awe as well and are
so happy for us. I honestly do not know how to thank you enough for what you have done for us. And am so happy Greg was there to share this with me. In the reading you remember my son made me a deal he asked me to let him go and he promises to never leave my side. I have been working on this and plan
to take him up on his deal for mine and the whole family\’s sake. My daughter-in-law would like to have a visit with you so I am plannig to do that for her. I will be in touch to see if I can possibly purchase a gift certificate for her in the new year. We wish you and your family a very happy holiday season and again Chris I don\’t know how to thank you enough
for what you did for both of us.
Take care.
Regards, ”
“Thank you for another reading full of content and substance. I am grateful for the oportunity to heal as evertime I go through a reading I feel more and more healed from the pain of losing John and later my mother.— my sister was walking in a cloud after the reading it was so uplifting. Thank you for your dedication and for being a voice for the spirit world.
“Dear Chris, Last October (2009), my daughter and I went to see you for a reading. Neither one of us had ever been to medium before and really had no idea what to expect. We came hoping for the best, meaning that we hoped to hear something from someone that would
undeniably have come from \\\”the other side\\\”. I think I expectedor hoped for about 10 — 20% accuracy and that this percentage of
information would be indisputable. WELL, the reading with you was about 90 — 95% bang-on accurate!!! It blew me away. I
can honestly say that it was a LIFE ALTERING experience for my daughter and I. I will never think or feel the same about either
life or death again. Your comment at the beginning of the session \\\”Expect the unexpected.\\\” says it all! It was a very positive,healing,thrilling and exciting experience. It has given me a lot
to think about and act on. The information that came through dealt not only with the past,but also the present. I was surprised
that our \\\”departed ones\\\” know what has happened in our lives SINCE their \\\”deaths\\\”! They even offered advice and support which is
giving me more strength now to face life\\\’s challenges. The reading gave me hope. What more can one ask for?
Thanks so much Chris. We will be coming back in the spring or summer for another reading. I want to wait that long because I need time to process and contemplate what I heard in the
first reading.
Best wishes,”
“Hi Chris,
I can\’t find the words for what I would like to say.
Thank you for sharing your gift. It means so very much.
A sense of peace and happiness has filled my heavy heart, and a joy I haven\’t felt for a long time.
I just wanted to say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”
“My husband, Sam and I came for a reading with you last Friday. We were simply impressed with your special GIFT and we were certainly touched seeing that you have put your heart and soul into the reading to try hard to help us!!I will never forget you. Before we came, my husband was kind of skeptical but now he is speechless! During the reading, there were quite a few things you told us but we couldn\’t make sense of or felt related at the time.We were just so nervous! But since we came back home, we repeatedly listened to your recording and it has helped a lot!! The many small things that you talked about can now be figured out. We are not trying to make things fit and that\’s for sure. Remember you kept seeing the bedroom scenario, the basement, The Esplanade, and the male of my generation died of cancer? Now, we understand what they mean and who he was. We just couldn\’t think of at that time. You also talked about many many small details that only my daughter, Jamie and I knew, felt or experienced (not even my husband). We strongly believe the talking was from Jamie, through you! We felt so connected! You are amazing and this whole thing is unbelievable! Although I couldn\’t find closure with her death, but I found comfort knowing that Jamie is now laughing, is not struggling, is healed and she is still with us and our bond of love will go on. And thank you Chris for telling me not to say \” I\’m sorry\”, I now change to say \” I love you\” , \” I miss you\” or \”we are proud of you\” and I feel much better. Thanks Chris from the bottom of my heart!
I can\’t help thinking of seeing you again, but I\’m afraid I will get addicted or fall in love with you!
Take care and I will sure go to your seminars or events when time permits. By the way, your recording is of excellent quality! Thanks again!
“I wasn’t sure how to pass this information along, but I felt so strongly that I wanted to share my thoughts, so I clicked on the info link on your website….Chris did a private reading for me back on Nov. 11th of 2010 and I just wanted to communicate to Chris that after my reading with him, I feel like my life is once again in tact. The confirmation that my mother was OK, the main reason why I wanted to meet with a medium, has given me peace of mind that I haven’t known for over 8 years, since my mother passed away suddenly in her sleep. I am sleeping better, I am putting things in life in proper perspective …I am constantly singing the praises of Chris, sharing the experience of my reading with both believers and non believers, and I have to say that beyond a doubt, many of the non-believers have crossed over into the believer category, solely based on how much detail Chris was able to recount to me. I feel that our conversation was not only spiritual, but Chris brought so much compassion into my reading, almost as a counselor would, reaffirming to me that there are some things in life that are just beyond our control. Chris has helped me move forward with my life in that, although many things in my life are still in disarray, through this short one hour session, I have come to realize that we have to accept what life has dished out and make the most of what we’ve been dealt. The fact that Chris has this “gift” and has chosen to share it with so many in need of comfort, shows that he truly has a heart of gold, and he has inspired/helped to mend many that are broken! Bravo Chris! I have nothing but the utmost respect for your work and thank you for giving back to those in need of your compassion!”
“Hi Chris,
My sister and I came last Tuesday to see you. We listened to the cd all the way home. The session was very interesting but there were a few thing that I just didn\’t get. I came home feeling very much relieved. Especially about our home. I did buy the movie Ghost because you said our family room was like the scene in the movie Ghost. I watched that scene like 10 times. It freaked me out a little, but I always knew someone was around so I am thankful it is my family. I was lying on the couch napping Sat. afternoon and I felt someone tap me on the head. I know I did. I just wonder which one of them it was.
Another thing you said was that I had to let go of something. That it was a series of events which was out of my control. Well listening to the cd on the way home it came to me what it was. It was an incident that happened in Feb. on the side of the road. As we listened to the cd that part came on in the exact spot that this incident happened. I don\’t think it was a coincidence. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I knew I had to let it go.
So when I got home I felt relief. I have been having great sleeps. I know I will be back to see you again. I have lots of questions I wanted to ask you but forgot to ask. Like who is my spirit guide. I will book another session. I am really glad I came.
“Dear Chris
I am writing to thank you for the peace of mind that I now have, having visited with you. Without a doubt the messages I received were from my loved one. You had no way of knowing the circumstances surrounding the death or the common phrases that were used between us. There were numerous signs that only I would have known including accurate reference to a memorial. I am convinced that my loved one is at peace and is happy. For that words will never be enough to express how appreciative I am for your kind assistance. I wish you well as you continue to help those striving for answers, perhaps closure and peace of mind.
Thank you,”
I was at your show on March 24. I was the last lady that you read during the show. My friend, Wendy, told me that you were going to be doing a show in Shelburne and at first I was skeptical. She sent me a link to your site and after reading through it and given the date of the show I decided maybe I should go. The whole week I talked with my Dad and explained to him that I couldn\’t hear him clearly and that I would be going to a show with a man who may be able to hear him much more clearly. If there was anything that he wanted to tell me he could tell you and you could let me know. I\’m pretty emotional - something that I get from his side of the family - and I wasn\’t entirely sure how I would deal with it if I did hear from him but I asked him the four most pressing questions that had been weighing on my mind for the past year. I was very close with my dad and I knew that it would be difficult for me but I also very much needed to know the answers to these questions.
You may have wondered if I was the right person at the end of the show - it seemed to me that the information you were getting may have come very quickly and was somewhat muddled? I had been thinking right at the end of the show - Dad, this could be your last chance to talk with me. Please, if there\’s anything that you need to say to me, let this gentleman know and he\’ll pass the message on to me. I was so emotional that it must have been difficult for you to know if you had the right person - I was having trouble making connections with some of the things that you were saying but on reflection they made more sense. Sure enough, you answered every one of my pressing questions without my ever having asked them of you. It must have been so difficult for you to pass those messages on to me - I was a bit of a sobbing mess - but you pressed on. I can\’t say that I felt a huge weight had been lifted right then and there. I do feel, however, that the information you gave me will make it possible for me to move forward in the healing process. Thank you so much for that.
I am uncertain as to whether my father had anything else that he wanted to say to me. I do know that, with your help, he told me exactly what I needed to know for now. I may some day be able to come to your offices and find out if there was anything else that he wants me to know but I think for now he wants me to take the time to think on what was said and find the path I need to take in order to start moving forward again.
Chris, you have an amazing gift! Thank you so much for sharing it with me.”
“November 12, 2012
Hi Chris,
I would like to thank you for our reading this past Thursday. We were both humbled by your beautiful gift to us, connecting us with our loved ones. The messages had great meaning in places that will help me to begin heal, after the loss of my parents and the events that happened after each of their deaths. I take comfort in knowing they are aware of these events from the other side, and that they don’t condone certain behavior. My family has fallen apart, and my mom had made me promise to not fight with each other, she didn’t want any of us to fight. She must have had insight at the time of her death to have said such a thing. She also was the glue that kept everyone in line. I don’t know if she said this to the others, but it has been with me since her death 7 years ago, and it has been weighing heavily on me. After hearing from her that she is aware that her family is not as it had once been, maybe now I can let go of that huge responsibility of trying to keep everyone together. I still have a lot of work to do, but I am headed in the right direction.
I have also read your book since my visit, and enjoyed each and every word, and was saddened at finishing it. I have such a thirst for reading books on mediums and psychics, that I wished your book had went on and on and on. Now I will read it again picking up anything missed the first time. After reading your book and seeing how open you are to conversation with your clients, I truly wish I had taken the opportunity to speak with you more, maybe explaining my family situation to you and what had transpired over the years since the death of my mother, and now the recent death of my father. Maybe I could have talked about how you became a medium, as I have some similarities as I’m in a place of not quite knowing what’s next for me. In the past this was not my experience with readings, they always seemed to be in a hurry, with the next client waiting in the wings. I look forward to a time when I am in the presence of you and your light. I enjoy every moment with every light worker I have met. I’ts a feeling I can’t really explain, just something I notice each time.
Love and Light
Bill also enjoyed his reading as he was really hoping to hear from his mother, This is the first time she came through and the message was something he has thought about for his whole life. He has seen many other psychics but this was the first medium for him. He is very grateful for your gift also. ”
“Good Morning Chris:
I just wanted to send you a message to thank you for what you do.
I realize that not all people are open to your abilities and I have to admit that I have always been very cautious with regard to my belief in people\’s ability to reach our loved ones after death. Having had 2 encounters with you and 2 connections (yesterday\’s was completely unexpected) I have an even greater respect for what you do and why you do it.
I wanted to let you know something from the messages that came to me through you at Saturday\’s event. It was my Great Uncle and my Grandpa who came to you and we discussed my Dad and my brother and the fact that their relationship is non-existent ... you let me know that their relationship would heal and that made me feel so much better because it has been a sore spot for our entire family for years. I thank you for that.
You also mentioned that you had the feeling of me being \”stuck\” and I couldn\’t figure that out, but you weren\’t sure that was for me or someone else. I thought that I would let you know that my daughter spoke to me on the way home and told me that she may have been the one you were talking about because she feels stuck in the past from the day that her Grandfather (my Father-in-law) died. The reason that this is important is because you later spoke with the lady in front of us and you kept mentioning the name Brian or Bob or a \”B\” name and you were adamant about the \”Eyes\” (and one eye in particular) and the way it looked.
My daughter broke down in the car ... she was so upset because she wanted to tell you that she was sure that you were talking about her Grandfather, who she called \”Bumpa\” and it was his eyes that have haunted her since the day he died because she was standing beside him when he passed and she could only see his left eye, which was dark, blank and distant (almost as if a gray film had covered it), and she can\’t get the image out of her head. She didn\’t want to take you away from the lady in front of us because you had already blessed us with a message and she didn\’t want that woman to miss out on any messages meant for her, but she realized once we got in the car that she should have told you because she really wanted to know if her Bumpa wanted to tell her something.
I told her that the message would be the same, that he is happy and with family.
My father-in-law\’s passing was fast and we made a wrong decision ... we should have taken our children out of the room when we realized that it was close to the end, but we didn\’t and that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I realize that I can\’t change it now, so I have to work on helping my daughter through it. I just want to thank you for giving her the gift of knowing that he is OK.
What you do is wonderful for those of us left behind and even though you said it isn\’t a gift for you I believe that it is because it is a true gift that you give to others every day!!
Thank You so much Chris for everything.”
“Hi Chris,
I wanted to send you a BIG thank you. Though it doesn\’t feel like it begins to tell you how grateful we are.
Our session with you yesterday was incredible. (that doesn\’t even begin to describe it). Life changing!
I told you yesterday that we heard from everyone we came to hear from; and you had mentioned that doesn\’t always we feel pretty blessed! You couldn\’t have been more accurate if it was scripted. There was a lot of closure needed.....and that is what we left with; so for that alone.....Thank you.
On a side note when you mentioned Jeff saying \”a goatee looks like pubic hair\”.....I thought you would want to know this! ....When I told my son what Jeff said, he said this \”omg mom, I just said that yesterday\”, \”I said I needed to shave this goatee off, cause it\’s starting to look like pubic hair\”! ....amazing...Very funny!
Thank you very much Chris! Truly an incredible experience!”
“Dear Chris
Thank you very much for our call yesterday. I have downloaded your recording and wanted to thank you for sending that too. Some of the things you told me where so accurate I am still struggling with it….
You might remember at the end of the call you suggested me there was something noisy over my head sometimes and today, after a long winter, a light aircraft was circling in acrobatic flights, making a heck of a noise over my roof. I raised my eyes to the sky and smiled. From now on I will not look at these planes as a nuisance but as a reminder that Sara might see me. We truly loved each other and spent our lives so together that not having here is the greatest struggle I have had in my life.
I will keep hoping that one day we can be together again as she was the brightest light of my life. Doing good things for the world will be to honour the way she was with it, an amazing soul.
Thanks for helping me and my other sister yesterday with you words (which I also sent, I hope it is ok, to my brother in law, who of course has lost also his two kids in this tragedy)
Best wishes for your important mission”
“I wanted to take the time to say Thank You! I\\\’m Sooo happy that our Sons, Cody and Matthew came through. Matthew my son did pass from a very aggressive Brain Tumor at the age of 14 from the time of being Diagnosed to his passing was six weeks. The doctors said he had about 15 months but God had other plans. Any how I went to your event with a open heart and really wanted Kari and Ken to receive this Gift of Cody coming through! I prayed to them both the night before and said if you both could show up it would be a Blessing!! Wow you got me when you said Brain Tumor! Kari started crying when you said that because Kari\\\’s older Son Ken Jr was friends with my son and went to school together. Kari would come and visit Matthew with little Cody as he was just a new born at the time. Matthew held Cody and got to see Cody a couple of times before he passed. This is how we are connected Kari and I. Now we are connected by the most hideous thing in life the loss of a child. I just watched the video again and found that some of the things that came out was very pertinent, like the butterflies when my Son Matthew passed Monarch Butterflies would land on his spot where he would practice his pitching out side of our home this happened more than once, I would be sitting in the garage and 1 would fly in there and flutter all around me and some have landed on me. My daughter who spoke to you 1st to validate the Jocelyn and Justin story has a huge Monarch Butterfly tattoo on her side and on her lower back small Butterflies that she got in Memory of her brother. When you asked Ken if his mother had passed and went on to say about Cardiovascular and he said No his mother is still here, I thought it may have been my mom as she died from a heart attack, then you went on to say Vascular issues I\\\’m suffering right now from Vascular issues and waiting to have surgery. My daughter and I wanted to interject and speak up on those things but we didn\\\’t want to take away from Kari and Ken\\\’s reading I think because our Families are so connected that things were interchanging with in the reading. I just wanted to take the time to give you some insight. I\\\’m not forgetting My sons message on the Smoking issues or about September or the number 23. If any thing comes up on these I\\\’ll let you know! God Bless You Chris and THANK YOU for Helping others!!
P.S. I was writing to you I noticed someone had private messaged me but I couldn\\\’t go look as I was sending you a Letter lol any how it was my sons Friend
Michelle she had watched the video and said the #23 probably had to do with Michael Jordan because his Jersey was #23 and my Son loved Michael Jordan!! Michelle and Matthew would shoot hoops together LOTS!!! Just wanted you to Know!!”
“Dear Chris,
I can\’t explain or put into words how grateful l am for having this amazing opportunity to speak to my Dad through you.
Before the reading, l asked my Dad to address certain situations in my life currently. He has addressed all of them. It was very powerful to hear my dad validating all that l feel and have felt for so long. I keep listening to the recording that you sent me over and over again. In a funny kind of way, it makes me feel like my Dad is here next to me, talking to me.
You have brought hope into my life from this reading and for this l thank you.
I have already purchased the book that my Father recommended \”Michelle Knight, Finding Me\” and can\’t wait to read it.
Thank you for your advice as well. I will book for another reading.
You are an amazing person and it\’s people like yourself who make a difference in this world and l know you have made a difference in my life from this reading.
God Bless You and Your Family,
“Thank you just doesn’t seem enough. You have a wonderful gift and I am very grateful to have been on the receiving end of your gift. I have listened to my recording many times in the last two weeks and I always seem to hear something new or different.
Brad and I were on a new journey together, everything was fantastic as we had reconnected as a couple when tragedy struck. I know I can’t change what happened and I really don’t want to do this without him, but I know that Brad is with me, I feel him, sense him close by and see him in the kids. Our relationship together has changed. I left your office with a sense of knowing; knowing that what I feel is accurate, that I will always have a relationship with Brad. I loved to hear his personality come through because that is what I miss the most; who he was as a person; a genuine, funny, smart, loving, honest and hard working Dad, Husband and Friend.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to our next visit together.”
“I\’m sending this e-mail to Chris to commend him, and I hope that he will have the opportunity to read this e-mail. After liking his page on Facebook, I gathered from reading some of his posts that he does in fact have access to them. So here is to hoping he gets this emotionally powerful message from me...
I visited Chris first thing in the morning on September 4th, 2014. He informed me that this was his 10th year anniversary of fulfilling his calling as a medium full time, and I sensed that he is very passionate about what he does - rightfully so. I came to Chris with no plan or agenda, and expressed that I simply felt the need to see him. I felt that there was a message that needed to be conveyed to me, and I was soulfully adamant that it had to be Chris. I did not know what the message was, or who needed to share it, I just felt an overwhelming need to go.
The beginning of my reading involved a male energy that came through before I had come in, and Chris persistently recited prostate or colon cancer, and a name with an \\\”L\\\” sound Lou, Louis, Louise, etc. I unfortunately was not able to make a connection to this energy. I couldn\\\’t connect him to a generation up, or how he would be related to my father, as Chris was trying to help me out with seeing. For the most part, I became distraught, bothered, and dazed for the remainder of the reading, because the energy voluntarily came through and felt the need to reach out to me. However, I was unable to identify who this man was. With no success I pushed Chris to block him out by giving him first names of people I would like to hear from. It was a challenge, because I didn\\\’t want to choose. Chris picked up on that feeling quite quickly and easily too. I also initially didn\\\’t want to shut out this man, because he mentioned a few personal issues I was having in my family that were truthful. Therefore, to know about them I figured there had to of been a personal connection of some sort. However with not being able to understand who he was, I carried forward and gave Chris another name.
With the accuracy and precision of the remainder of the reading thereafter, I initially walked away from the reading content with what I had taken away from it. I figured perhaps the initial male energy may have been picked up from someone else or be an inadvertent error. I listened to the reading that evening over and over, and the more I did, the comforting words within it gave me a deeper sense of healing than I already had before with certain events in my past. I even fell asleep listening to it, and I can honestly say I slept like a baby. However tonight, September 5th, I didn\\\’t sleep so well. The initial male energy that I thought I let go of began to bother me once again. Chris expressed him with so much enthusiasm, and I couldn\\\’t ignore it. If the rest of the reading was so accurate from what I understand, and I summoned those people, how could this male energy not be connected to me when I didn\\\’t have to summon him? I had called my grandfather, on my mother\\\’s side, to talk about some of the other portions of my reading. I reflected and shared some of what was said about his second pre-deceased spouse, and wanted to get his input about it. During that conversation we spoke of my biological grandmother who passed quite young, and her father was brought up. I asked for his full name, because I wanted to look up his place of origin to better understand my family history. His full name is Lloyd Franklin Misener, which instantly set a light bulb off in my head with the male \\\”L\\\” sounding name. I then hesitantly asked my grandfather how he had passed away, and was astonished to discover that it was prostate cancer. I became overwhelmed with emotions instantaneously once I heard this on the phone, because it was him who came through - my great grandfather on my mother\\\’s side. It made complete sense that this male energy was on my mother\\\’s side, since he mentioned the distancing factor between her and I. I became filled with regret, because I shut him out when he very well was probably the reason and the energy that drew me to see Chris. I feel bad that I gave Chris a hard time with this and trying to figure out where he was coming from, but I honestly didn\\\’t know enough information to connect the dots yesterday. As beautiful as it feels to know that a man, and relative, I never had an opportunity to meet in my lifetime came through and reached out to me, I feel remorseful and saddened at the same time. I feel as though I shut him out, and perhaps didn\\\’t get the message\\\’s entirety that I was supposed to...whatever it was supposed to be, and that I waited so long for. Yet, perhaps that was meant to be...or maybe I did.
At the very least I wanted to share this, because it has been a completely blissful experience for me regardless of the downfall I somewhat feel about my great grandfather. I couldn\\\’t go to sleep - at 0300h - without expressing my gratitude to Chris once again. Not that I think Chris needs the words of encouragement, I do feel that it was somewhat puzzling perhaps even slightly frustrating for him that this male energy was coming through that I couldn\\\’t connect to. Happening on his 10th anniversary, and first reading of the day, I wanted to reassure Chris that his gift was completely right about this energy. He wasn\\\’t off at all, but unfortunately I just didn\\\’t have the knowledge at the time to say keep going. The fact that my great grandfather at least had the opportunity to acknowledge a few key things ongoing in my life right now, and strengthen my belief that my ancestors I didn\\\’t get to meet are in fact watching over me, I can walk away with enlightenment. I have Chris\\\’ persistence to thank for that. I hope that Chris will find this reassuring, and again not because I think he needs it. However notes of appreciation are always spiritually uplifting, and I just feel as though I needed to send this message of thanks to Chris. It was a sincere pleasure to finally have the opportunity to sit down with him after patiently waiting for 9+ months, and to attain the information and closure that I didn\\\’t have for a few things prior to my session. So once again, thank you from the bottom of my soul.
Warmest Regards.
P.S.: Unlike the story I was told about a woman who threw away her copy of her reading, because she was not satisfied...I on the other hand will always value and cherish mine...It was already on my iPod as soon as I got to my laptop to upload it. :)”
“Hi Chris ,
I had a reading in April with you on the 16 th. Greatest experience ever . I ordered your pennies from heaven book couldn\’t put it down . Can\’t wait for book two of pennies from heaven . Just wondering when it will be out for purchase ?
I have raved about my medium appt I had with you to literally everyone I know :) so many people have called and got on your waiting list . You truly are amazing and blessed to have the gift you have .
Thanks again for my life changing experience you gave me .
“Hi Christopher ,
You have changed the lives of my Mother, my sister and myself in such a huge way that I need to thank you and let you know what you have done for our family. My sister Shelley was killed in a drunk driving accident many years ago. Three years back we attended a victims weekend at the BMO centre in Toronto through Madd.
Shelley came through and my father was there ( Archie bunker was mentioned lol) I wasn\\\’t in the room but one thing that mom and Heather couldn\\\’t confirm ( due to shock I would think ) was the statement about spending her time with a dog named Bailey ......Bailey was my dog who they knew and loved but just couldn\\\’t put it together at the time .
Thank you so much for what you have given our family!! We are so much closer , we can say Shelley\\\’s name ( it was like she was never here ...,we never spoke her name or of her) you changed all of that for us and we are a totally different family today and thank you for that!! Heather Toole is my sister and she recently sent you a friend request as well. We now grieve , celebrate but more importantly we acknowledge Shelley which we never did before .
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!”
“Hi Chris,
just wanted to thank you for the reading today. My mom Gwen and I made the drive up from Windsor, not knowing what to expect. I cannot thank you enough for the peace of mind you have given her....she has truly been in a fog since my dad\’s passing, and I think today, she realized she was surrounded by love and support. Great to meet you, thank you so very much for the laughs and the insight.....truly wonderful gift that you share with others.....”